Consulting Services
System level communication and network is our core competence that covers both commerical and military communications (MILCOM) . We bring in a wealth of Comms know-how and core software libary to assist in new project development at all levels. It includes, but not limited to, conceptual design, hardware/software partition tradeoff, algorithm development and implementation (DSP/FPGA/ASIC), as well as test and verification. The following shows some representative task breakdown of interest:
-> System requirement analysis and allocation
-> Link budget analysis (SATCOM and mission-specific data links)
-> Transceiver signal processing design for implementation
-> Burst modem (fast detection and demodulation/decoding)
-> End-to-end modeling and simulation
-> Up-to-date WLAN capabilities (HT/VHT/HE, Sub1G, NGV2x, etc.)
-> Satellite communications (GEO/LEO)
-> AJ/LPI/LPD waveform design
-> Direction finding for communications
-> Alternative GPS in A2/AD envirorment